REACH BEYOND – this is our annual fundraising campaign. It enables us to reach more people for Jesus, meet needs, expand our church locally and start new ones globally.
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. – 2 Corinthians 9:8 | The Bible (NLT)
We have a God who practically showers us with good things. He is our faithful provider in everything we need. We are immensely grateful for that. His continued generosity inspires us again and again to be generous ourselves.
REACH BEYOND means becoming one with the heart of God. Again and again, we are able to experience God’s generosity. Together we want to reflect on this experience and do good through our generosity. Regardless of your available resources, each of us can contribute something. Local and global projects enable people to get to know Jesus. We stand together against injustice and strive to plant relevant churches worldwide. Your giving is significant – not because of the amount, but because it reflects the generosity of God.
We are blessed to be a blessing. Below we give you an insight into the various projects that are close to our hearts this year. We invite you to be a part of REACH BEYOND 2025. Together we can make a positive difference!
Sergey and Natasha Mazhuga
Founding and Lead Pastors, ICF Tel Aviv
Offering Weekend
As a whole church, we will be taking a special collection for our projects on Friday, 14.03.2025. You can bring your financial contribution to your Celebration and place it in the collection, donate online or transfer it to the following account by the end of 2025.
Bank Transfer
You can transfer your contribution to the following account:
Bank Name
Name: ICF Church TLV
Ac. Number: 3820728
IBAN: IL76 0106 6600 0000 3820 728
Shoham St 2, Ramat Gan, Israel
Purpose of payment: “REACH BEYOND 2025”
Online Giving
Here you can donate with your credit card or PayPal.
Target 2025: 420’000.-
#1 NPO Generous Basket

Generous Basket NPO is a humanitarian aid project in Tel Aviv, offering free clothes, essentials, home goods, and food to those in need. In 2023, it reached over 1,500 people, distributing 8,661 items of clothing and footwear, 1,346 household items, and 1,337 food units.
Since October 7th, the demand for Generous Basket services has tripled. Tens of thousands of relocated families, including new immigrants, refugees, and single mothers, face increased hardship.
As of mid-2024, Generous Basket distributes $16,000 worth of aid each month, including clothing, shoes, food, hygiene products, and household items, helping 400 people. This means it costs $40 per month to support one person.
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus emphasizes the importance of supporting those in need: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Our goal is to continue supporting families in need, and for this reason, we invite you to be a part of it.
“Due to the war, we were relocated to the center of the country with no jobs, money, or belongings. Our new apartment was almost empty, and we lacked many essentials. At the Generous Basket, we were warmly welcomed and given the help we needed, making us feel like VIPs. This brought me to tears. Thank you, Generous Basket, for your incredible support.”
Jacqueline and Raphael Malka
Displaced from the North of Israel.


The need to address PTSD in Israel, especially among those affected by the events of October 7, is significant.
Hundreds and thousands of civilians and soldiers have gone through terrible trauma and have been deeply impacted by the ongoing conflict. They are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and require professional assistance to overcome it.
To address this need, we at ICF Tel Aviv have gathered professional Christian PTSD therapists, successfully tested, and launched a support program. First, it serves our community members, and second, soldiers, their families, and those traumatized by military actions. This program not only provides then an opportunity to recover but also to integrate into the ICF Tel Aviv community through therapeutic small groups.
The cost of 10 individual sessions with a psychologist for one person is $1,350. Your support can make a real difference in providing the necessary professional help for the people of Israel and also an opportunity to change their lives.
“I am a lone soldier serving in the Israel Defense Forces. I live in Israel alone, my family remains in the country of origin. In this difficult time for our country, I really needed support. Many thanks to ICF Tel Aviv for the professional psychological assistance provided, which is helping me so much at this time.”
IDF Soldier


A significant event that we have been holding for several years in a row is the Christmas celebration. Officially, Christmas is not celebrated in Israel. It brings us great joy to share this festive, touching, and joyful holiday with the people of Israel. It is an opportunity for them to experience the special atmosphere of Christmas and hear the Good News. Last year, we gathered 450 people for the Christmas event.
This year, we plan to take it to the next level by reaching 1000 israelies with good news by organizing a professional performance. For this purpose, we will rent a large hall and professional equipment, invite actors, dancers, and musicians, organize media support, and purchase a large number of gifts!
We would be immensely grateful for any support you might be able to provide to help us bring the true story of birth of our Messiah Yeshua to 1000 israelies and make this event truly special. Your partnership would allow us to create a memorable and impactful celebration for many in Israel.
“What an incredible joy it is for my heart to see so many new people – Israelis – who have come to celebrate the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ!”
Staff member, ICF Tel Aviv


33% of our church consists of children under the age of 16. It is incredibly joyful and touching to see how the Lord blesses our church with such a vibrant group of teenagers. We have a special celeblration hall for them, where they hold their meetings, pray, experience God, socialize, and play games, creating unforgettable memories and friendships.
In 2024, our youth ministry experienced significant growth. The ministry team expanded, bringing fresh energy and ideas. Many teenagers successfully completed the Explore course and began actively participating in the ministry. Small groups started flourishing, providing a sense of belonging and community. We also held special weekend events for teenagers, which were a huge success, filled with laughter, learning, and spiritual growth.
Looking forward to 2025, we have planned an exciting event: a large camp for teenagers! This event could mark a new milestone in the development of youth ministry in Israel. We are hopeful that these camps may become annual. This camp is a golden opportunity to continue investing in the future generation of leaders who will serve in Israel. It will be a time of fun, fellowship, developing personal relationships with the Lord, and deepening faith, laying a strong foundation for their spiritual journey.
We are raising funds to help camp participants cover the cost, so more teenagers can have the opportunity to attend. Let’s invest in the future of our young generation together.

One of the most exciting and extensive tasks facing ICF Tel Aviv in 2025 is the relocation of the church to a new building.
For the past 2 years, our community has grown by 30% annually. Praise the Lord! In 2025, it will be 10 years since we have been in this building. It has allowed our church to grow to its current size (almost 200 people).
Finally, after long prayers and searching for premises, we are taking an exciting step of faith in 2025 – moving to a larger building that will open up the opportunity for further growth of our congregation up to 500 people.
This new building is an old theater in the central part of Tel Aviv. In order for us to use it for the church, in addition to renovation work, we will have to practically build children’s rooms from scratch: a room for mothers and babies, rooms for younger and older children, as well as a teenagers club.
We believe that by investing in children and teenagers now, we are laying the foundation for the future generation in the land of Israel who will bring truth, light, and revival to the people of Israel.
We invite you to be part of this revival and help expand God’s Kingdom in Tel Aviv. Join us in this bold and ambitious next step, which will allow our congregation to grow to 500 people.
We support the following REACH projects together as an ICF Movement

Our desire is to plant dynamic churches throughout Europe and beyond. Churches where people find a personal relationship with Jesus, experience love and community, discover their gifts, and are encouraged to grow. We dream of passionate and vibrant churches that have a positive impact onsociety.
Last year, we were able to invest in eight new church planting projects. In our young history, we have already established more than 60 ICF churches in Europe and beyond. In many places, there are existing groups that could potentially grow into strong churches in the near future. With specific investments, we can significantly support this process: For example, by training leaders and financially setting them free, providing resources for current projects, and being able to make necessary purchases. We therefore want to continue investing in selected initiatives and help them move forward.
“For over two years, we have had the privilege of helping to establish ICF Startup Friedrichshafen. During this time, God has blessed us with various locations and now also an office. Thanks to the financial support, we were able to hire a leader for our Celebration and Small Groups department, who complements us in many ways. Thank you for your support in building an ICF church at Lake Constance. We are excited to see what else God has in store for ICF Startup Friedrichshafen and look forward to people getting to know Jesus and becoming more like Him.”
Michelle & Simon Aichele
Location Pastors, ICF Startup Friedrichshafen


The training of new leaders and pastors is crucial for the successful planting of new churches. Good leadership and holistic discipleship are key factors in the extent of our impact. They ultimately influence how effectively we can reach people for Jesus and help them become more like Him. That is why we are excited that last year we were able to experience both a great Pastors & Key Leaders Training with 40 participants from 10 different ICFs and the biggest ICF Experience so far with 240 participants from 30 ICFs and 7 nations.
We want to continue to invest consistently and purposefully in the empowerment and training of potential pastors and leaders, which is why we will further develop and multiply our Pastors & Key Leaders Training, make the ICF Experience accessible to even more leaders and continue to invest in the translation of our training materials.
“The Pastors & Key Leaders Training equips and empowers you to lead holistically! From management and theology to spiritual leadership and transformation – every session is super relevant for everyday life as a leader. Through this we have become fully equipped and can take off with the ICF Startup!”
Christina & Christopher Köhler
Location Pastors, ICF Startup Lübeck


We live in an increasingly digitized world. As ICF, we reach a large number of people digitally before they ever set foot in our building. Our digital presence has a significant influence on whether interested online visitors also become church visitors. Our online presence is therefore designed to build trust and enable easy interaction.
Now we can finally tackle a new project: a new ICF website. The project is well underway, and we are working with an external agency to develop the overall concept, backend technology, design, and usability.
In 2024, we plan to start the development of our new ICF website, start the implementation, and continue our digital innovation efforts.
“This year, with REACH BEYOND, we are once again focusing on digital innovation to continue reaching people for Jesus in a modern way. With this project, we have the opportunity to realize our goals and create solutions that we can benefit from as an entire ICF Movement. I am excited and proud that we as ICF want to stay at the heartbeat of time.”
Benni Amann
Project Lead Digital, ICF Movement